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Lizzo Faces Additional Lawsuit Alleging Harassment, Discrimination, and Assault

It's Not About Damn Time For Another Lawsuit

Lizzo faces a second lawsuit, this time from former employee Asra Daniels, alleging racial and sexual harassment, assault, and discrimination. Daniels’ claims, including disturbing group chat content, highlight ongoing challenges for the singer amidst previous allegations of misconduct by former dancers.

Lizzo faces an additional lawsuit

A Troubling Lawsuit Emerges

Lizzo, the chart-topping singer known for her empowering anthems and vibrant personality, has found herself embroiled in a troubling lawsuit brought forth by a former employee. Asra Daniels, a wardrobe designer, has levied disturbing allegations against Lizzo and her team, including claims of racial and sexual harassment, disability discrimination, retaliatory termination, and assault.

The Defendants Named

The lawsuit, filed in Los Angeles on September 21st, names Lizzo, her wardrobe manager Amanda Nomura, and her tour manager Carlina Gugliotta as defendants. However, the focal point of the suit is primarily directed towards Amanda Nomura, who stands accused of making “racist and fatphobic comments” towards dancers and derogatory remarks about “Black women on the tour,” characterizing them as “dumb,” “useless,” and “fat.” The suit also recounts a distressing incident in which Nomura allegedly rolled a heavy clothing rack over Asra Daniels’ foot before forcefully shoving her into it, resulting in injury.

Alarming Behavior

The lawsuit further reveals alarming details about Nomura’s behavior, alleging that she openly expressed a willingness to resort to violence, stating she would “kill a bitch if it came down to it” if her job was threatened. Disturbingly, it is claimed that Lizzo’s management was well aware of this pattern of behavior. Carlina Gugliotta, Lizzo’s Tour Manager, even reportedly requested that the plaintiff, Asra Daniels, record Nomura without her knowledge—an action deemed unethical and potentially unlawful.

Distressing Group Chat and Ongoing Trauma

Asra Daniels endured sexual harassment by being included in a 30-person group chat where explicit and disturbing images of male genitalia were shared. The lawsuit underscores the detrimental impact of the hostile work environment, describing how Daniels suffered constant anxiety and panic attacks due to the racial and sexualized atmosphere. Even after the tour, she continues to grapple with anxiety and PTSD, along with physical symptoms like migraines, migraine-induced eye twitch, ocular distortions, brain fog, and fatigue.

Previous Allegations and Denials

This lawsuit comes on the heels of similar allegations made by three of Lizzo’s former backup dancers—Arianna Davis, Crystal Williams, and Noelle Rodriguez. They filed a lawsuit against the singer and her touring company, citing sexual harassment and hostile work conditions. Lizzo vehemently denied these allegations, labeling them as “outrageous.” In response, she emphasized that the former employees had already acknowledged that their behavior on tour was deemed inappropriate and unprofessional.

The Controversial Timing

Notably, the filing of this new lawsuit coincides with the day the Black Music Action Coalition intended to honor Lizzo with the Quincy Jones Humanitarian Award. In response, Asra Daniels’ attorney, Ron Zambrano, raised concerns about the timing, suggesting that it might be a calculated PR move aimed at salvaging Lizzo’s tarnished image. Zambrano asserted that Lizzo had created an environment on her tours characterized by sexualization and racial tension, which her management seemed to condone, allowing such behavior to persist unchecked.

The allegations against Lizzo and her team paint a disturbing picture of an artist who has been celebrated for promoting self-acceptance and empowerment. As the legal battle unfolds, the impact on Lizzo’s reputation remains to be seen, and questions about accountability and change within the entertainment industry linger.

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