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Identity Thief Claims He Orchestrated Scheme to Sell Graceland

A dark web scammer has come forward claiming responsibility for an audacious plot to sell Elvis Presley’s famed home, Graceland. According to The New York Times, the alleged scam mastermind contacted the paper through two emails, asserting his involvement in the scheme and other identity theft operations.

Graceland Elvis Presley Estate

The Mind Behind Graceland Scheme

The scammer, who described himself as part of a network of “worms” specializing in identity theft, detailed their modus operandi. “We figure out how to steal. That’s what we do,” he stated, explaining that his group frequently targets the elderly and unsuspecting individuals, especially in California and Florida, using publicly accessible documents like birth certificates to acquire crucial personal information.

Despite the boldness of the Graceland plot, the scammer admitted it was ultimately unsuccessful. “I had fun figuring this one out, but it didn’t succeed very well,” he conceded.

Uncovering the Graceland Grift

The Times reached out to an email address listed in court documents for Naussany Investments & Private Lending LLC, the entity that attempted to auction Graceland earlier this month. The respondent, claiming to be the scammer, stated he was based in Nigeria and communicated in Luganda. However, a translator noted the Bantu language used was inconsistent, especially compared to the fluent English in Naussany’s court filings.

The fraudulent activity began when Naussany Investments claimed that Lisa Marie Presley, Elvis’ late daughter, had used Graceland as collateral for a $3.8 million loan. Naussany aimed to settle this debt last year, seeking $2.85 million from the Presley family trust, now overseen by Lisa Marie’s daughter, Riley Keough.

Legal Battle and Scam Exposure

Skeptical of Naussany’s claims, Keough filed a lawsuit to prevent the auction, alleging that her mother’s signatures were forged and that Naussany Investments was a fabricated entity created to defraud the Presley trust. Despite these serious allegations, no representative from Naussany appeared in court. Instead, a last-minute filing by someone claiming to be Gregory E. Naussany requested more time to prepare a defense, including a long, dubious email address.

Shortly afterward, The Associated Press reported receiving a statement from a Naussany-associated email, indicating the company would not proceed with the case. The scammer’s emails to The Times praised Keough, stating, “Yo client dont have nothing to worries, win fir her… She beat me at my own game.”

The significance of Graceland

Tennessee Attorney General Steps In

Following the halted auction, Tennessee Attorney General Jonathan Skrmetti announced an investigation into Naussany’s activities. The AG’s office acknowledged the emails sent to The Times and confirmed they were looking into the matter. “Graceland is one of the most iconic landmarks in the State of Tennessee, and the Presley family has generously shared it with the world since Elvis’s passing,” Skrmetti stated. “My office has fought fraud against homeowners for decades, and there is no home in Tennessee more beloved than Graceland.”

The Enigmatic Scammer’s Admission

The scammer did not provide further clarification about the scam in his emails to The Times, but he took full responsibility for the scheme. “I am the one who creates trouble,” he wrote, showcasing a brazen attitude towards his illicit activities.

The Legacy of Graceland

Graceland, the iconic home of Elvis Presley, stands as a monument to the King of Rock ‘n’ Roll. Located in Memphis, Tennessee, the mansion has been preserved as a museum and tourist attraction since Elvis’s death in 1977. Graceland attracts over half a million visitors annually, making it one of the most visited private homes in the United States.

Elvis Presley’s Legacy

Elvis Presley, born in 1935 in Tupelo, Mississippi, revolutionized the music industry with his unique blend of rock, country, and blues. He became a cultural icon, known for his charismatic stage presence and groundbreaking music. His impact on popular culture remains profound, and Graceland serves as a testament to his enduring legacy.


The Significance of Graceland

Graceland offers fans a glimpse into Elvis’s life, showcasing his personal belongings, awards, and iconic stage outfits. The mansion’s preservation allows visitors to experience the atmosphere of Elvis’s home, making it a pilgrimage site for fans worldwide. The estate includes several notable areas, such as the Meditation Garden, where Elvis and his family are buried, and the famous Jungle Room, known for its exotic decor.

Graceland’s Continuing Appeal

Beyond its historical significance, Graceland has adapted to the times, offering various interactive exhibits and hosting events throughout the year. The estate’s expansion includes the Elvis Presley’s Memphis entertainment complex, which features museums, restaurants, and shops dedicated to Elvis’s life and career. This blend of history and modern attractions ensures that Graceland remains a vibrant destination for new generations of fans.

Protecting a Cultural Landmark

The recent scam attempt to auction Graceland highlights the ongoing need to protect cultural landmarks from fraudulent activities. The swift response from Riley Keough and the Tennessee Attorney General underscores the importance of safeguarding such iconic properties. As Graceland continues to honor Elvis Presley’s legacy, efforts to maintain its integrity and authenticity remain crucial.

Graceland’s enduring appeal and historical significance make it a treasured landmark, not just for Elvis fans, but for anyone who appreciates the rich tapestry of American music history. The failed scam serves as a reminder of the lengths some will go to exploit such heritage, but also of the resilience and dedication of those committed to preserving it.

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